Playwright and Vue Router Hash History
Explains how to make Playwright’s page navigation work with Vue router’s WebHashHistory
Explains how to make Playwright’s page navigation work with Vue router’s WebHashHistory
So I’ve been playing Elden Ring a lot over the last months and found Thingfishy’s guide to start every build in the game to be as powerful as possible right from the beginning. The only thing that bothered me with this guide was that sometimes it was hard to follow due to the cuts in […]
We all know that SQL injection (SQLi) is a thing. But it may surprise quite a few people that similar injection techniques are possible when the underlying database is a NoSQL database. In this post, I’ll show a simple way of exploiting such a NoSQL injection in two ways.
What is HACKTHEBOX? Hackthebox – or HTB – calls itself a “massive hacking playground” and that is exactly what it is – besides also being a great place to learn all about hacking and infosec. In short, they offer anyone the possibility of learning hacking skills without breaking any laws. To do that, HTB offers […]
Es ist Montag der 27. Juli 2020. Normalerweise fällt mir das Aufstehen an diesem letzten Juli-Montag jedes Jahres nicht schwer. Ganz im Gegenteil, selten freue ich mich so über den Klang meines Weckers! Denn der letzte Montag im Juli ist mein Wacken-Anreisetag. Alles wurde in den letzten Tagen und Wochen gepackt und vorbereitet, jetzt kann […]
This PDF is protected by the Administrator’s password hash. Have fun!
After my FOREST writeup, I decided to switch to password protected PDF files, so I could publish my writeups before the boxes are retired. This PDF is protected by the root flag, but later PDFs will be protected with the Administrator’s/root password hash. Have fun!
After my FOREST writeup, I decided to switch to password protected PDF files, so I could publish my writeups before the boxes are retired. This PDF is protected by the root flag, but later PDFs will be protected with the Administrator’s/root password hash. Have fun!
Alright, FOREST has been retired, so I am allowed to do this Writeup on it. Forest was my first “real” box ever, meaning that it was the first box I did not setup myself, knowing the vulnerability beforehand. And what can I say? It was one hell of a ride, even though the machine was […]
In this post I discuss whether or not the information that someone is vegan is protected by Article 9 GDPR